Let's talk about ODS and BDS Column in HPLC


ODS column: Full form of ODS column is Octadecasilane because it contains Octadecasilane chain in it. This column is mainly used in reverse phase chromatography and has free -OH group.

Also, as a trade name it is also called as Inertsil column. Using this column usually gives less tailing in peak. 

Pros : The main advantage of these columns is it's low cost and sharpness of peaks.

Con's: The main disadvantage of using these column is they take too long for column saturation. Elution of peak is fast and so it becomes difficult to separate certain components.

BDS Column: The full form of BDS is Base deactivated silica. This column is mainly used in reverse phase chromatography but has blocked -OH group. These column is also called End capped columns.

Also, its trade name is Hypersil column. Using this column gives too high tailing in peak.

Pros: The main advantage of this column is that it is used for analysis of basic compounds.  

Con's: The main disadvantage of using this column is that they have high tailing ss certain peaks gets merged and becomes difficult to separate.


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